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Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice Questionnaire - Art

29th March 2021


Why do we have art lessons?

To give us time to be creative. (Brodie Y2)

To have fun. (Olivia Y4)

So we can paint the Mona Lisa – be as good as famous artists. (Robin Y4)

To get better, by practising. (Jessica Y4)

So we have all the skills when we are older, then we can use it in a job. (Connie Y4).

When asked what jobs they might use art in the children suggested the following: an artist, an illustrator, a graphic designer, an architect.

How do you feel in art lessons?

I like art, but I get frustrated when I can’t mix the right colours, like when I try to make the right yellow using water colours and it goes too dark. (Joanie Y3)

I really enjoy learning about artist and drawing in their style. But I think when we aren’t learning about a particular artist we could have more choice so use, paint or chalk or pencils. (Harry Y4)

Artastic! Art lessons are great! (Robin Y4)

I like learning about artist but I wish we could use their style to draw our own picture, not copy their pictures. (Sascha Y4)

When it’s beautiful, I feel really happy. But when its not I’m not happy (Esme Y1)

Overall, the children were very enthusiastic about art. Most children gave a ‘thumbs up’ to how they felt about art. Those few who didn’t were in the middle and stated ‘I like it but I’m not very good,’ and ‘I enjoy art but I find it hard to make things look real.’

What do you learn in art?

We learn about styles of artist. How to paint right, how to create sculptures. How to draw in detail. (Sascha Y4)

We learn about shapes in art, like the Kandinsky ones we did. (Brodie Y2)

We learn how to stick at it even and make it good even if it wasn’t at the start. (Max Y1)

We learn to be creative. (Zachary Y3)

We learn about artist. (Olivia Y4)

What could we do to improve the Art provision at Aston Rowant?

Use water colours more (Sascha Y4)

We could do more art and use different things more – we could use charcoal more often (Russell Y4)

We should ask Mrs Williams to do more art with us. She is a brilliant artist! (Tisharna Y4)

It would be nice to have a club for art. (Toby Y4)

I would like to see our art on display more. (Harry Y4)